The BBK Law Firm specializes in creating, analyzing and negotiating commercial contracts, taking into account both the needs and legal conditions of the client as well as the commercial goals. As part of consultancy related to contracting, The BBK Law Firm’s services are focused on finding an appropriate legal structure that allows the parties to achieve the assumed economic goal, also when developing and using innovative legal schemes. The scope of these services includes, among others:
- preparation of draft commercial contracts, including unnamed contracts, general conditions of contracts or other types of agreements between entrepreneurs;
- developing legal documentation related to trade agreements, contract-related documents, and corporate documentation related to the transaction;
- developing specialized structures and legal solutions for trade agreements, legal structures for complex, multi-level or multi-stage transactions, analyzing and developing legal mechanisms for non-standard commercial operations;
- contract negotiations or legal support for entrepreneurs in negotiation processes;
- ongoing advice on the implementation of commercial contracts and other types of agreements in the commercial sector.